Ronald Roundy – Davis Business Lawyer

Ronald Roundy

Victorium Legal, Inc

(916) 450-9426

2043 Anderson Rd
Davis , CA 95616

Monday 9 AM–5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM–5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM–5 PM
Thursday 9 AM–5 PM
Friday 9 AM–5 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Ronald Roundy

Victorium Legal, Inc


  Google Business Profile

Firm Summary

Ronald R. Roundy, Esq. has more than 20 years of accounting and legal experience. For the last twelve years, he has been litigating and advising on transactions related to business, real estate, and estate planning matters.
Mr. Roundy also has nearly ten years of accounting experience, including his prior career as a financial analyst and accountant in the securities and finance industry. You can feel secure knowing that his broad experience and understanding allows him to keep a watchful eye on all aspects of a lawsuit or transaction.

Experience matters. Mr. Roundy is able to produce strategic and efficient results because he has been down your path time and again.

12 Years Resolving Disputes

Mr. Roundy has years of experience in both prosecuting and defending against civil litigation in a variety of contexts, cases, and claims. He has represented both business and individuals in complex and class-action litigation in both California state and Federal court. He has a winning record on appeal and in the trial-courts.
Mr. Roundy has deep trial experience with jury trials, arbitrations, and administrative hearings. Unlike other attorneys, he does not shy away from the difficult and complicated trial process. He will recommend trial whenever it is more beneficial than settling a case.

Representative Matters

  • Mediated dismissal of regional drilling and shoring company from the San Francisco Transbay Transit Project dispute regarding construction defects at the Millennium Tower, the largest ongoing litigation in California history. From the San Francisco Chronicle.
  • Won on appeal in a wrongful death (murder) and elder abuse claim against a would-be “estate administrator” that was caught perpetrating fraud on a probate court in Estate of Schneider, 2013 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 8115, 2013 WL 5965763 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. Nov. 8, 2013).
    Successful defense of Trust Executors on summary judgment (including over $30,000 in legal fees and sanctions awarded to clients) regarding purchase-sale disclosure dispute for real estate investment property. Raul Soto v. Kari Ann Hyatt, et al., San Joaquin County Superior Court, Case No. STK-CV-VRP-2020-4481.
    Secured favorable judgment for client after bench trial in conservatorship proceedings for disgorgement of property (Cal. Prob. Code § 850) and elder abuse. In re: Conservatorship of John LaManna, Calaveras County Superior Court, CU20-084962.
    Represented plaintiffs in real estate, accounting, and legal malpractice actions.


Ronald Roundy graduated from Emporia University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance.
Mr. Roundy graduated from Whittier College – School of Law in 2010 with a Juris Doctorate. He ranked in the top 25% of his class, participated in Trial Advocacy Honors Board, and won a CALI Award for Legal Writing.
Mr. Roundy was certified in 2002 by the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s Trial Advocacy Project, for in-class instruction and real-world trial experience as a Pro Bono Deputy City Attorney for the City of Los Angeles. He tried five felony DUI jury cases to verdict.

Outside The Office

Mr. Roundy enjoys mountaineering and rock climbing in his free time. He also enjoys being a Cub Scout Den Leader and an Assistant Coach of his son’s little league teams.