Marc Lane – Chicago Business Lawyer

Marc Lane

The Law Offices of Marc J. Lane

(312) 372-1040

70 W. Madison St.
Suite 2050
Chicago , Illinois 60602-4256

Marc Lane , ,

The Law Offices of Marc J. Lane


Firm Summary

Marc J. Lane is a nationally recognized business and tax attorney, a Master Registered Financial Planner, a Registered Financial Counselor and a Certified Investment Specialist. Twice a recipient of the Illinois State Bar Association’s Lincoln Award, he has taught law at Northwestern University School of Law and business in the MBA program at the University of Illinois.

Marc is the pioneer behind the Advocacy Investing® approach to socially responsible and mission-related investing. A past Director of Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA), the national association of enterprising nonprofits and social-purpose businesses, he spearheaded the launch of its Chicago chapter which he served as Chairman. He has also chaired SEA’s affiliate, The Center for Social Enterprise Accreditation. In addition, he is the President of Social Enterprise Chicago. By appointment of Gov. Pat Quinn, he chaired the State of Illinois’ Task Force on Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Enterprise. Also by appointment of Gov. Pat Quinn, he was a Commissioner of the Serve Illinois Commission. And by appointment of then-Cook County Commissioner and now Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, he serves as Vice Chairperson of the Cook County Commission on Social Innovation.

Marc drafted Illinois’ Low-profit Limited Liability Company (L3C) law, and has been instrumental in promoting L3C legislation in other states, authorizing the hybrid business form which can leverage foundations’ program-related investments to access trillions of dollars of market-driven capital for ventures with modest financial prospects, but the possibility of major social impact.