Krista Kais-Prial – Toronto Business Lawyer

Krista Kais-Prial

Israel Foulon Wong LLP

(416) 640-1550

(416) 640-1555

65 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 200
Toronto , Ontario M4T 2Y8

Krista Kais-Prial ,

Israel Foulon Wong LLP


Firm Summary

Krista is a certified workplace investigator and experienced employment lawyer who advises and represents both employees and employers on a broad array of workplace issues including termination of employment, severance package reviews and negotiations, performance management and discipline, recruitment and retention, onboarding, workplace policies and procedures, disability legislation, employment standards, health and safety, human rights and accommodation, discrimination/harassment, employment agreement drafting/reviewing, and wrongful/constructive dismissals. Krista has advised and represented clients at all levels of court in Ontario, in addition to the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Krista advises both employees (whether complainant, respondent or witness) and employers with respect to internal and external workplace investigations and conducts both workplace investigations and workplace restoration processes.

Krista is a regular speaker on topics related to workers’ rights, accommodation and disability issues, employment standards, mental health in the workplace, women in the workplace and gender diversity. She has spoken at events organized by the Law Society of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association, Osgoode Continuing Professional Development, Humber College, RDÉE Ontario, La Maison Francophone Women’s Centre, and the International Young Lawyers’ Association (AIJA). Krista regularly organizes, moderates and speaks at Ontario Bar Association events, and is past Vice-Chair of the OBA’s Young Lawyers Division and past Member at Large of the Labour & Employment Law section.