Gabriel Marous – New York Business Lawyer

Gabriel Marous

Marous Law

(212) 608-0600

(212) 608-2901

60 East 42nd Street
46th Fl
New York , New York 10165

Gabriel Marous

Marous Law


Firm Summary

Over the years, Mr. Marous has developed his expertise around the concept of helping clients “create, acquire, grow and protect their assets” as means of empowerment, personal growth and legacy building. In order to achieve that objectives for the Firm’s clients, Mr. Marous has placed emphasis on corporate and business law, real estate (residential and commercial), trademark, copyright and estate planning. As a serial entrepreneur himself, he has a particular affinity for the sale and acquisition of businesses. Many of the Firm’s clients have expressed their appreciation for his role not only as a provider of legal services but also as a transaction facilitator.

In 2009, capitalizing on his finance background and market opportunity at the time, Mr. Marous spearheaded the creation and the growth of a now vibrant public finance practice for the Firm. As a result, MAROUS LAW was able to secure prestigious clients such as the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York and was included in The Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace directory of municipal finance attorneys (the “Red Book”) with the status of “Nationally Recognized Co-Bond Counsel.”

In addition, Mr. Marous shares supervisory responsibilities for the Firm’s commercial litigation department, which handles a variety of legal issues. Some of the cases that Mr. Marous has supervised include breach of contract and disputes between business associates, derivative actions by shareholders and board members and international transaction disputes.

Finally, Mr. Marous has advised various governmental agencies of several developing countries in “Eastern Europe” in connection with their attempts to transform their existing legal and economic system into one that is more market friendly and legally compliant with the requirements of European Union directives. Many of those countries have since received admission into the European Union. Among other assignments, Mr. Marous conducted live seminars in Tibilisi, Georgia (Eastern Europe) where he was responsible for training a select group of attorneys and bankers. Some of the subjects he taught were “Corporate Governance”, “Anti-Money Laundering Laws” and “International Contract & Private Trade.” Mr. Marous also provided written commentaries of legislative proposals to the Croatian Securities Exchange Commission on “Issuance and Sale of Securities.”