David Branch – Washington Business Lawyer

David Branch

David Branch Law

(202) 785-2805


1828 L St NW
Suite 820
Washington , DC 20036

David Branch

David Branch Law


Firm Summary

Attorney David A. Branch has been an attorney for over 30 years. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in both Political Science and Economics from Southern Methodist University in 1987. He went on to obtain his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1990. He has served both his clients and his community for three decades. David Branch, Esq. understands what it takes to get his clients justice. He is committed to getting his clients the compensation they deserve. He represents his clients in a variety of cases, including: Employment discrimination; Employment Contracts; Labor disputes; Wage and Hour disputes; and employment negotiations. Attorney Branch handles individual cases as well as class action lawsuits. One of the largest class actions he’s ever handled was a group of revenue officers who filed suit against the Internal Revenue Service. In 2018, Attorney Branch successfully represented a deaf employee in an EEO claim against the National Security Agency (NSA) who was denied interpreting services at the Agency. After winning the case, he established a grant to pay for interpreters so individuals in the deaf community in Washington DC could attend a weekly Bible Study held in his law office. Over the course of his career, David A. Branch has successfully represented his clients in claims against some of the largest employers in the United States. Some of these companies include:

Internal Revenue Service
National Security Agency
Department of Defense
Department of Interior
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Postal Service
Department of Commerce
Department of the Treasury
Veterans Administration
Federal Emergency Management Administration
District of Columbia Public Schools
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority
Fannie Mae
Whole Foods

Attorney Branch is licensed in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington, D.C. He represents clients both in the Washington, D.C. area and across the country. If you have any employment issues, call and schedule your initial consultation today. Let the experienced staff at the Law Office of David A. Branch and Associates, PLLC help you get justice.

David A. Branch specializes in Employment Law. He has extensive experience in this area of law. Prior to opening his own practice, David served as Staff Attorney for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He has over 30 years of litigation and trial experience. He lives in the Washington, D.C. area, where he is an active volunteer and community leader.