David Carrithers – Louisville Business Lawyer

David Carrithers

Carrithers Law Office, PLLC

(502) 452-1233


2950 Breckenridge Lane
Suite 10
Louisville , Kentucky 40220

David Carrithers , ,

Carrithers Law Office, PLLC


Firm Summary

J.D. in Law
M.S. in Chemical Engineering
B.S. in Biology/Chemistry

● Registered Patent Attorney specializing in patent, trademark, trade secrets, copyright law, and unfair competition matters serving clients throughout the United States and in foreign countries.

● Served as In-house Intellectual Property Counsel reporting to General Counsel for The Valvoline Company in patent, trademark and licensing matters for over 17 years.

● Providing litigation services and serving as co-counsel for general practice trial attorneys in litigation concerning intellectual property matters.

David Carrithers is a Registered Patent Attorney licensed to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Prior to the practice law, David worked for several years in the field of industrial chemical engineering.  His industrial career includes experience as a Process Development Engineer providing technical service to customers and technical support of manufacturing operations in the formulation, extrusion, and processing operation for the PVC, ABS, and CPIC plastics compounding operations of  B.F. Goodrich;  Production and  Research & Development Engineer for Joseph E. Seagram & Sons specializing in new product and process development of alcohol and distillery by-products, and beverages  in the wine, beer, spirits, nonalcoholic beverage  industry via  fermentation, distillation, freeze concentration, separation, filtration and ultra filtration, selective distillation and separation and flavor preservation processes for heat sensitive products, and  biochemical processes for the food and beverage industry; and Research and Development Engineer Rhone-Poulenc/Hi-Ten Polymers Group in water soluble polymer applications to the textile industry, paper industry, oil field fracture fluids ad specialty chemical applications.  Prior to establishment of Carrithers Law Office, David worked for several years helping to develop the intellectual property practice at Middletown and Reutlinger.  David started his law career at O’Donnell, Stutermann & Winger a law firm specializing in intellectual property.