Diana Bicksler – Danville Business Lawyer

Diana Bicksler

DGB Equine Law

(925) 838-9909

(925) 785-8962


811 San Ramon Valley Blvd.
Suite 202
Danville , CA 94526

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday: Closed

Diana Bicksler

DGB Equine Law


Firm Summary

Diana Bicksler has 25 years of combined experience in the legal, business and equine communities, working on legal matters ranging from large and complex to small and simple. Her experience includes real estate, contracts, mediation, equine liability, risk assessment, equine business assistance and guidance.
Diana began her legal career with large firm in San Francisco, later becoming a partner of a mid-sized firm in Alamo, CA.
After founding her own legal recruiting company, she began assisting friends and colleagues in the equestrian field with their contract and legal needs, and then expanding to finally establish DGB Equine Law.

She obtained a Bachelors Degree from the University of CA at Berkeley, her Masters Degree from the University of San Francisco and her Juris Doctorate from Golden Gate University School of Law, San Francisco. She is an active member of the California State Bar and the Contra Costa Bar Association.

An active member of the California Dressage Society, East Bay Chapter, USEF, USDF and AWR, she volunteers at the CDS shows and also is an active wildlife rehabilitator at the Lindsay Wildlife Hospital in Walnut Creek, CA.

A lifetime resident of Northern California, she currently resides in the East Bay Town of Danville with her husband Gene.