Richard Roman – El Paso Business Lawyer

Richard Roman

Richard Roman Law Firm

(915) 351-2679

(915) 351-6754

1018 Brown Street
El Paso , TX 79902

Richard Roman

Richard Roman Law Firm


Firm Summary

Mr. Roman began his private practice in 1994, taking a short break to preside as the judge of the 346th district court appointed by then Texas Governor George W. Bush and re-appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Along with that appointment, Mr. Roman has served on several public interest committees such as the State Bar of Texas Public Affairs Commission.
Currently his focus has been on transactions and other civil and commercial matters. Mr. Roman is expanding into other new areas to include advising clients in film production and an energy company involved in global commodities transactions including Russia and South America. He attended the 2022 Texas McCombs Business Outlook Series – Focus on the Future of Energy and Energy Solutions to Accelerate Your ESG Strategy.

He is a past member of the Federal Bar Association and El Paso Bar Association. Mr. Roman has held board positions on the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce Juarez Chapter, El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization Intermodal Transportation HUB Task Force and City of El Paso Charter Review Committee.