10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Business Attorney

10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Business Attorney

Published: June 30, 2022 at 2:15 PM
Categories: Business Formation, Business Law, Litigation

Many small businesses operate without having fully-insured legal counsel. This is often because the business owners are not aware of their rights and/or simply do not think that they need a lawyer. It is important, however, that you have an understanding of what your legal rights are before making any significant decisions regarding your company or personal assets. Without a lawyer to help you navigate the laws and regulations governing business in your state, it can be difficult to determine whether a “legal entity” exists with which you could form an agreement.

You should always check with your local business attorney before you take any action with regard to your business or personal assets. This article will help you determine how to choose the right one.

10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Business Attorney

  1. Why do you want to represent my company?
    The most important thing to ask any potential commercial attorney is why he or she wants to represent your company. A good lawyer will have a few reasons, such as a belief in what the company stands for, and prior experience with similar businesses. However, it is also important that your lawyer works on contingency. This means that they will only be paid if they win the case.
  2. How do you bill?
    It is critical that you have a strong understanding of how a lawyer will bill your business expenses. For example, if you are seeking a business attorney who also handles personal injury cases, make sure you know whether they will bill the same way. It is also important to understand whether there are any hidden fees or “extra” costs beyond their basic rate. After all, attorneys are professionals and should be paid for the time spent on your case.
  3. Do you subcontract?
    If you are seeking legal advice regarding a complicated case, it is important to find an attorney who will handle the case herself. However, if you need a commercial lawyer who is familiar with the lay of the land, and willing to help guide you through the process, it may be beneficial to find one that subcontracts. Subcontracting does not always mean that your lawyer will be less effective or still work on contingency.
  4. What are the downsides?
    When you interview a potential attorney, it is only fair that you ask about the downsides as well as the upsides. Any lawyer worth his salt will have several positive things to say about his own business and how he works with clients. However, it is important that you also understand what could go wrong before making any final decisions. After all, even the most dedicated and qualified lawyers will not be able to guarantee a flawless outcome in every case.
  5. What’s your method of communication?
    Especially in litigation, it is important that you and your lawyer are on the same page regarding the case. If you are committed to going to court, a phone call or email may not always be enough. It can also be helpful for your lawyer to have multiple ways of communication so that neither side misses an important deadline. Things like live email, telephone calls and in-person meetings should all be included in any contingency agreement.
  6. How long will this take?
    Every lawyer is different, and has his own methodology for handling business cases. However, one thing is for sure -attorneys do not have the ability to handle your case overnight. Even if you are asking about a simple business case, it will still take time for your lawyer to gather the information and prepare for trial.
  7. What are your values?
    Attorneys are people as well as professionals, so it is important to know their values and how they will fit with your own. For example, if you operate a small business that prioritizes family over work, you may not want to choose a lawyer who works long hours every day. This can help establish the right tone for your case, allowing both parties to feel comfortable working together towards a solution.
  8. Do you have clients who could create conflict?
    The best business attorney will always state that they have no conflict with their clients. However, it is still important to make sure that the attorney you choose will not cause any issues during your case. If you know that a lawyer has a history of contentious relationships with other clients, it can hurt your chances of getting fair results.
  9. What areas do you specialize in?
    When discussing what areas of law a lawyer can help with, it is important to already know what those areas are. You will want to choose a lawyer who is experienced in the area of law that you need help with, but also a lawyer who has experience defending similar cases.
  10. How do handle conflict?
    Most legal problems can be settled peacefully. However, there are some cases where it may best to hire a lawyer who can help you find an amicable solution. If you are under the impression that a business case will be particularly contentious, it is best to have a lawyer on your side who has experience handling these types of disputes.


A well-informed client is a happy client, and having an understanding of what your legal options are before your case goes to court is extremely helpful. This article provided a few important questions to ask when hiring local business lawyers. Remember that this important step in the process should not be taken lightly, and can make all the difference in the success of your case.